Buy Gemstones in Delhi NCR

Wearing gemstones can change your entire life. Gemstones are one of the most beautiful things on this planet. But, it is not just about their beauty. They carry divine cosmic energies in them. And thus, whenever one wears them, the cosmic energies flow into them. As a result, their physical, mental health, career and relationships flourish. And this is how a gemstone gains its benefits. This is why we say that different gemstones have different benefits.

But, we often do not know where we can find the gemstones. The matter does not end with buying gemstones; rather, it starts with it. Because it is not just about buying gemstones, it is also about buying authentic gemstones. Because the absence of authenticity can spoil everything. If you do not buy genuine gemstones, you do not get their benefits. Moreover, it may have adverse effects on the wearer. Therefore, buying real gemstones is necessary.

And, when it is a city like Delhi NCR, it becomes quite difficult to find the right gemstone store. But, there are many other factors as well. So, if you want to buy Original Gemstones in Delhi, you need to know how to identify a real gemstone. So, let us look into the different factors that can help you identify a real gemstone.

How can you identify a real gemstone?

There are numerous factors that can help you to identify a real gemstone. And the following list states all those factors with a vivid explanation as well. So, the Best place to buy Gemstones will always have stones that satisfy all the following factors:

☑️ Colour

The first factor is the shade of the gemstone. Each gemstone has its unique shade. But, there are many sellers who sell similar-looking but fake gemstones. Thus ensure the colour of the stone you want. Proper research can be very helpful here. Or take an expert's assistance to ensure the colour of your gemstone is authentic. Dhanshree Gems is one of the best stores to Buy Gemstones in Delhi, NCR. Because you will find expert help and guidance while buying your stones. And the stones here are absolutely authentic, along with being of the finest quality.

☑️ Fire intensity and sparkle

Gemstones have a unique shine in them. Also, when they are present against sunlight, they show a fiery sparkle. This is the fire of the gemstones. But, many gemstones do not shine vibrantly against sunlight. And that is what their authentic characteristic is. For example, the emerald stone does not shine vigorously like the diamonds. Also, their fire intensity is dull. But, mist other gemstones are sparkly. And their fire intensity is also high. So, ensure to know whether the gem you want shines or not in sunlight. Be aware of its fire intensity. And this will help you ensure whether the stone you are buying is real or not.

☑️ Transparency

Some gemstones are opaque, like pearl stone. Some gemstones are semi-transparent. And some of the stones have absolute transparency. Thus, this becomes another important factor. It would help you understand whether the stone you have is real. Ask an expert whether your stone should be transparent or not. And then, examine the stone you have or are going to buy. If it matches the level of transparency that the expert suggested, then it is perfect.

☑️ Inclusions

Inclusions are fine lines present in the stone. These lines look like veins. And they enter into the gemstone when they are undergoing the manufacturing process. Gemstones are actually minerals. Then they solidify. And when they are given their shape and cuts, they form gemstones that we wear. Inclusions should not be visible to naked eyes. But, some gemstones are bound to have a heavy influence. But these inclusions that are bound to be present must be visible only after magnification. The presence of any visible blemishes or inclusions indicates the authentication of the gemstone.

☑️ Certification

This factor is the most essential one. And if you have certification for your gemstone, you might not look for any of the above factors. It is because certificates are the proof of authenticity of the gemstones. When you have certified gemstones, it means that an authorised institution has guaranteed the authenticity of your stone. Dhanshree Gems is the best Certified Gemstones Shop in Delhi. It has been offering certified gemstones since 1912 and continues to do so.

☑️ Weight

A real gemstone differs from a fake one by its weight. An unauthentic gemstone will generally be lighter. Because they will not be of the real mineral crystal thus, ensure that the weight of the gemstone you buy is appropriate.

So, when you Buy Gemstones in Delhi, NCR ensures that all of the above factors are satisfied. Or else, there are chances for you to open an authentic gemstone.

Can I buy gemstones online?

One of the places where you can buy gemstones in Delhi or anywhere else is online. There are many websites that offer online shopping for gemstones. But you must know about the best. And it is Dhanshree Gems. This store has its outlet store as well. But, if you want to buy natural gemstones online, then visit the online site of this store. You will get endless varieties and designs. Above all, whether you buy gemstones from here offline or online, they will come with certificates. So, there are no chances of them being inauthentic. And they are not just authentic but also of the finest quality.

What should I look for gemstone shops in Delhi NCR?

You may find many shops for gemstones in Delhi NCR. But, all of them might not be authentic. So, there are some aspects you should remember.

First, look for shops with a good reputation. A Famous Gemstone Shop in Delhi will be the best for you to buy your gemstones. Because then you get the guarantee of experience and good customer service. Next is about certificates. Ensure that the shop from where you will buy your stones provides certificates. If they do not, there may be chances of you buying a fake stone. You would not want that to happen. So, look for shops where they provide certified gemstones.

What is the best place to buy gemstones in Delhi NCR?

There cannot be a better place to buy your gemstones than Dhanshree Gems. This store has been serving its customers since 1998. And till now, the quality and precision are the same. Rather it is more enhanced than before. You will not get any better Gemstone Dealer in Lajpat Nagar than here. You may not know which stone to buy. Or, you may not know what should be the correct shape, weight or colour of the stone, you get expert help from professionals here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

➤ What not to do with natural Gemstones?

You must not bring natural gemstones near chemicals. It will damage them. Some gemstones may not have the strength to withstand chemicals. Therefore they may lose their beneficial properties. And also, get destroyed. Also, do not let them drop. It may bring starches in them. And thus, damage your natural gemstone.

➤ What are gemstones?

Gemstones are actually minerals but in solidified form. When the minerals solidify, they form crystals. The gemologists or gem makers cut and shape these crystals. And when the crystals get the proper shape and cut, they become gemstones.

➤ Significance of Rashi Ratna or Natural Gemstones?

Rashi Ratna or Natural Gemstones have significance for your physical and mental health; other than these, they also help improve relationships. They also enhance your career paths and fill your environment with positive energies. This is the Significance of Rashi Ratna or Natural Gemstones.


Thus, you will find numerous ways to buy gemstones in Delhi NCR. But, since it's a large and eminent city, the chances of buying fake gemstones are quite high. So, the best solution is to buy gemstones from Dhanshree Gems. They have certified gemstones. And all of their stones are of the finest quality. You need not worry about anything, starting from getting recommendations to your favourite songs; you will get it all here.

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