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Monthly Archives: March 2024

4 Best Neelam Stone (Blue Sapphire) Substitute

substitute of neelam stone

Blue Sapphire isn’t an ordinary gem. Also called Neelam Stone in Hindi, Blue Sapphire’s aura, power, and magnificence have been a topic of interest for centuries. From compounding your wealth by unexplainable numbers to making you a magnet for good luck, this blue gemstone lures many powerful pople, most of whom credit it for their power. 

However, the stone is not all about roses and sunshine. The Saturn-ruled gemstone can bring transformation or devastation, depending on how well your birth chart complements its energy. 

And this is one of the reasons why you can opt for a substitute of Neelam stone. Secondly, the stone is undoubtedly a treasure, but premium quality costs enough to burn a hole in your pocket. You might choose a substitute for Blue Sapphire because of its exorbitant pricing. 

But a bigger question is, “Do gemstone substitutes work?”

And the

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Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: Benefits, Wearing and Power

gauri shankar rudraksha benefits image

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is far from being an ordinary bead. Blending the powerful polarity of masculine and feminine, this Rudraksha embodies divine protection from the messes of human existence. 

Before disclosing the range of Gauri Shankar Rudraksha benefits, let’s take you through the properties of this rare bead that make it unique. 

Rudraksha is given a high stature in the ancient holy scriptures of Hindu culture for its origin, powers, and overall impact on human life. But every bead in the category isn’t the same and can be identified from their faces, called Mukhis. However, some Rudraksha beads don’t fall into these conventional categories and are unique in their creation and impact. 

And one of these beads is the Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. 

What is Gauri Shankar Rudraksha?

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