Red Coral Gemstone

Red Coral Gemstone

Coral is also known as “Moonga” in hindi. It contains high magnesium calcium carbonate and they are available under the sea water in 500 feet depth. Coral stone is the stone which is preferred for Scorpio and Aries zodiac sign. These gemstones are very well known for the effect of planet mars. Coral gemstone protects its wearer from the blood and heart related issues.

It is also considered best to fight with jaundice and Epilepsy disease. This gemstone is mainly recommended for those persons whose Mars planet is placed in an auspicious house in the birth chart. Specially, Mangal dosh and malefic Mars induces different major issues in the life of a person. The Mars is an enormous planet which is thought about to be the incomparable leader among every one of the planets.

1. Italian Coral Gemstone:

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